Sunday, May 2, 2010

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style 靖国神社 Yasukuni Shrine

神道では、写真を真正面で撮ってはいけません(^-^;) Don't take photo from the center front. It is rule of SHINTO.

いわゆるゼロ戦です。ZERO FIGHTER

零式艦上戦闘機五十二型 TYPE52

九十六式十五糎榴弾砲の砲身内部 Inside of 15cm Howitzer Type96

Requiem for Tokko(special attack, Suicide squad) soldier.
I had been crying...



Imperial emblem

下乗とは、乗り物から降りろという意味です。It means'You have to get off the vehicle(hourse or car)'

The temporary closing today, I went to visit the Yasukuni Shrine is the grandfather of the wife is asleep.
Sundays and during holidays there had been a lot of people come to visit.
Daily, recall the memories of World War II, forgetful, sad history to repeat this again
I try to live it again and be careful.

El cierre temporal hoy, fui a visitar la Urna de Yasukuni es el abuelo de la esposa está dormido.
Domingos y durante las fiestas había habido muchas personas vienen a visitar.
Diariamente, revoque los recuerdos de Segunda Guerra Mundial, historia olvidado, triste para repetir esto de nuevo intento vivirlo de nuevo y tener el cuidado.

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